LED Light Therapy

Gain a healing and revitalising boost for the skin with a non-invasive light therapy treatment. LED light therapy is a great way to both heal and clear acne, reducing skin congestion and inflammation.

Our Celluma LED light is also used to promote a more youthful glow.  It achieves excellent results as the light stimulates the cells to regain their natural vitality. We can also use light therapy for the skin to promote wound healing and release pain deep within the body.

Give us a call and see how LED Light Therapy can help you look and feel better.

LED Light Therapy is a fascinating and unique treatment which is able to support a wide range of health and beauty benefits.  We can use light therapy for the skin to:

  • Resolve and heal acne
  • Increase wound healing
  • Reduce pain
  • Improve superficial skin lesions
  • Minimise fine lines and wrinkles
  • Soothe joint stiffness or muscle spasm
  • Boost circulation
  • Achieve a youthful glow

Light therapy has a multitude of uses and we offer this treatment in combination with either a superficial skin peel, a massage or lymphatic drainage. Our clinicians will talk you through the best approach to resolve your personal skin concerns and you’ll be settled into one of our hydraulic treatment chairs before the procedure begins.

We are here to help you to both look and feel better – younger, more revitalised, healthier and happier.  Our in-house experts are able to review your skin goals and create a personalised treatment plan to best support you.

Don’t hesitate to inquire and see what we can do for you.

Frequently Asked Questions